CityScapes and architectural mockups from city responses to Amazon's HQ2 Contest. All images publicly available on Muckrock.com following Freedom of Information Act requests. Images used for research, teaching, and criticism purposes.
NYC. New York Metro Area Amazon HQ2 RFP Response. 2017
St Louis. HUSTLE from Day 1. 2017
Raleigh. The Triangle Delivers: HQ2 in the Research Triangle. 2017
Peer-Reviewed Published Work:
Nager AB**, Lowe Reed AS, Langford WS. Catching the whale: A comparison of place promotion strategies through the lens of Amazon HQ2. Geography Compass. 2019;e12462. https://doi.org/10.1111/gec3.12462.
Spurlock, D., Bailey, A., & M. Wilson. (2023). “Cities too busy to hate”: Economic development through a diversity ideology lens. Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2022.2147076
Working Papers:
Dissertation Paper 1: Beyond the Bottom Line: Incorporating Equity into Evaluations of Local Economic Development Tools. ​
Dissertation Paper 2: Right place, right time: The Impact of Warehousing Jobs on Local Economies.
Dissertation Paper 3: Guess Who is Coming to Town: An Estimate of the Impact of Business Incentive Announcements on Residential Home Prices using Zillow ZTRAX Data. With Jeremy Moulton & Scott Wentland.
Besting Silicon Valley: The Emergence of Wide Bandgap
Semiconductors in an Unlikely Ecosystem.
**Publications before 04/2020 use former name Adams Nager
Business attraction policies, including economic development incentives (EDIs), are perhaps the most ubiquitous and costly economic development tools used by U.S. states and cities to facilitate growth. In this dissertation, three papers examine the impact of these policies on the welfare of residents. While the impact of incentives on geographies and local economies have been broadly examined, work has only recently begun to focus on the differential impact of business attraction and EDIs on the welfare of individuals and on equity within societies.
The three papers investigate how growth and development from recruited firms impacts the daily lives and financial well-being of residents. Paper 1 discusses how evaluations of business attraction policies can better consider the welfare of citizens and prioritize equitable development. Paper 2 exploits a natural experiment in the site-selection process in the warehousing industry to estimate the value of job creation to residents and the opportunity costs of EDIs. Paper 3 quantifies the impacts of large incentive announcements on housing prices, a primary mechanism through which EDIs can impact inequality.
Dissertation in a nutshell:

For complete list of work, please see CV. For drafts of working papers or to find out more, please contact me at: adamsgbailey1@gmail.com